
Aker Brygge

Aker Brygge ("the Aker quay") is a huge shopping mall and area for restaurants. It's situated in the Oslo harbour area. From 1854-1982 this was an engineering workshop and shipbuilding yard. In 1986 the first part of Aker Brygge was ready, and later it has expanded several times. The area has approx. 40 restaurants, many shops, a cinema, a comedy theater and many apartments. The buildings have a marine look to them. I wouldn't say they're beautiful, but it's still an interesting place.

In the summer weekends especially, people are swarming here, eating out with their friends and collegues. When the weather is nice, like it was this Saturday, it's great to sit outdoors enjoying a meal (and a cigarette). No smoking is allowed inside.

Photos: by Lothiane

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Nice photographs. Excellent narrative.

~tanty~ sa...

Hi Lothiane!
I've been there and yes, it's a very big shopping mall.
Have a nice week ahead :)

Bergson sa...

I hold would make a pause well by taking a drink with the terrace

me too

Gerald (SK14) sa...

there is a webcam overlooking Aker Brygge:


Lothiane sa...

Thanks for your comments! :)

Bergson: I will join you for a drink on the terrace. :)

Gerald: Thank you. The webcam shows the newer part of Aker brygge, where they're building right now. There is another webcam here:
