
From the top of Carl Berner

The bench from yesterday is from the same place as this photo. I think these people living on the top of Carl Berner (an area in Oslo, quite near the center) are really lucky. They have a fantastic view, don't you think? When the weather is nice they can sit outside, enjoying the view while they have a good meal with their family and friends.

Photo: by Lothiane

4 kommentarer:

Fabrizio Zanelli sa...

Yes you're in right: the view is fantastic and those balconies let understand that apartments too should be... Fantastic, isn't it?

~tanty~ sa...

What a fabulous view from the top. Yes, they are so lucky to live in such a nice area.

Z sa...

I agree; I wouldn't mind living there myself. I love big balconies like these.

Incidentally, do you use an interjection like "uffda"? I just recently learnt of this usage amoung the Norwegian immigrants to the US (northern midwest states such as Minnesota and Wisconsin) and wondered if it was that the word was coined there, or whether it was also used in Norway. :-)

Lothiane sa...

hey Z! thanks for commenting!
That's funny. I remember visiting friends in Minneapolis (who were Norwegian immigrants) and what they knew of the Norwegian language is "uffda". :)

Uffda is like "ooops". :)